A Closer Look at Bridgestone’s Newest Airless Tyres
In order to remain at the top of an extremely competitive industry, tyre brands need to be constantly innovating, and that’s exactly what Bridgestone Tyres has done with their new concept airless tyres. This exciting technology is a game changer and sets the stage for a new era in vehicle tyres. For decades, the traditional pneumatic rubber tyre has been used to transport the world. But as new advancements happen, we take a look at the newest trend in vehicle tyres, and we consider for a moment the day we might all be using the new airless tyres manufactured by Bridgestone. Why are they so cool? With new airless tyres, we no longer need to worry about flat tyres, or any of the many disadvantages of traditional tyres that we had to deal with.
What Is Behind the Appeal of Bridgestone’s Airless Tyres?
Airless tyres simply require you to replace a thin rubber tread on the outside of the tyre. That’s it! It’s that simple to fix a puncture. The tyre’s large-diameter hub makes it possible to create veins of thermo-plastic at the height or length that they need to be. On the other side of the tyre is another set of veins bent the other way. This difference is key and different to many other designs as the tyre now has two ways of supporting the vehicle’s weight as it drives over terrain.
Of course, you can’t get a flat tyre, and you can’t get a blowout. But what are the other benefits? These Bridgestone tyres are extremely stiff in cornering. The tread is actually the only part you will likely replace. The wheel, unless it becomes damaged, has no need to be replaced. All that’s needed is to recap it with another piece of tread, making these wheels incredibly environmentally friendly. You’re merely replacing this strip of thin tread rubber.
Enjoy Excellent Value and Long Life Durability from Your Bridgestone Tyres
Look forward to low maintenance, extreme durability and unmatched green appeal. We throw away a lot of tyres in South Africa, and we have to find something to do with them. The possibility of these airless tyres making it to the mass market offers excellent environmental benefits.
We’ve been at the forefront of bringing the very latest innovation in tyre products to South Africa since 1964. Our company remains committed to helping South Africans afford and access the best quality traditional pneumatic tyres from the best brands, including Bridgestone Tyres, Yokohama, Pirelli, Dunlop, and Michelin, to name only a few. Let us help you find the best tyres for your vehicle.